It's not impossible, no.
You have to create an intermediate entity that will represent the table in which, in your physical model, you will flatten that M: N relation and in which you will have the specific attributes of that relation and you will convert the M: N into two 1: N .
This is an example of me: I have an M: N relationship between the SeriesEdition entity and the EventSession entity. The detail is that for given an instance of championship (SeriesEdition), a session (EventSession) and a scoring system (PointsSystem), I need to save what multiplier points must be applied in that case (column ps_multiplier
public class PointsSystemSession {
private PointsSystemSessionPK id;
@JoinColumn(name = "SERIES_EDITION_ID")
private SeriesEdition seriesEdition;
@JoinColumn(name = "SESSION_ID")
private EventSession eventSession;
private PointsSystem pointsSystem;
private Float psMultiplier = 1.0f;
And just in case, although it does not necessarily have to be missing, this is the table that defines the key of the entity:
public class PointsSystemSessionPK implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5431412749175457078L;
@Column(name = "SESSION_ID")
private Long sessionId;
@Column(name = "SERIES_EDITION_ID")
private Long seriesEditionId;
public PointsSystemSessionPK() {
public PointsSystemSessionPK(Long sessionId, Long seriesEditionId) {
this.sessionId = sessionId;
this.seriesEditionId = seriesEditionId;
I hope you find it useful