I would like to know how to compare two dates with .Net; The current date and a manually inserted date.
Format: YYYY / MM / DD
I would like to know how to compare two dates with .Net; The current date and a manually inserted date.
Format: YYYY / MM / DD
Friend in Google, as in SO there is a lot of information about it, you just have to try to search ...
Assuming the date format is DateTime
simply take the part of the date of each one through the property Date
and compare the two:
See examples:
if (DateTime.Compare(fechaActual, fechaInsertada) > 0) //La fecha actual es mayor que la fecha insertada.
if (DateTime.Compare(fechaActual, fechaInsertada) == 0) //La fecha actual y la fecha insertada son iguales.
if (DateTime.Compare(fechaActual, fechaInsertada) < 0) //La fecha actual es menor que la fecha insertada.
If fechaActual.Date < fechaInsertada.Date Then
Public Function MismoDiaHora(ByVal Fecha1 As Date, ByVal Fecha2 As Date) As Boolean
MismoDiaHora = False
If Dia(Fecha1) = Dia(Fecha2) And _
Mes(Fecha1) = Mes(Fecha2) And _
Ano(Fecha1) = Ano(Fecha2) And _
Hora(Fecha1) = Hora(Fecha2) Then
MismoDiaHora = True
End If
End Function
Public Function MismoAno(ByVal Fecha1 As Date, ByVal Fecha2 As Date) As Boolean
MismoAno = False
If Ano(Fecha1) = Ano(Fecha2) Then
MismoAno = True
End If
End Function
Public Function MismoMes(ByVal Fecha1 As Date, ByVal Fecha2 As Date) As Boolean
MismoMes = False
If Mes(Fecha1) = Mes(Fecha2) Then
MismoMes = True
End If
End Function
Public Function MismoDia(ByVal Fecha1 As Date, ByVal Fecha2 As Date) As Boolean
MismoDia = False
If Dia(Fecha1) = Dia(Fecha2) And _
Mes(Fecha1) = Mes(Fecha2) And _
Ano(Fecha1) = Ano(Fecha2) Then
MismoDia = True
End If
End Function
Public Function FechaSolo(ByVal Fecha As Date) As Date
On Error Resume Next
FechaSolo = Dia(Fecha) & "/" & Mes(Fecha) & "/" & Ano(Fecha)
End Function
Public Function ErrorDate(ByVal Fecha As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim D As Date
D = Fecha
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ErrorDate = True Else ErrorDate = False
End Function
Public Function Ano(ByVal Fecha As Date) As String
On Error Resume Next
Ano = Year(Fecha)
End Function
Public Function Dia(ByVal Fecha As Date) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dia = Day(Fecha)
If Len(Dia) = 1 Then Dia = "0" & Dia
End Function
Public Function DiaSemana(ByVal Fecha As Date) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
DiaSemana = vb.Weekday(Fecha, FirstDayOfWeek.Monday)
End Function
Public Function Mes(ByVal Fecha As Date) As String
On Error Resume Next
Mes = Month(Fecha)
If Len(Mes) = 1 Then Mes = "0" & Mes
End Function
Public Function Hora(ByVal Fecha As Date) As String
On Error Resume Next
Hora = Hour(Fecha)
If Len(Hora) = 1 Then Hora = "0" & Hora
End Function
Public Function Minuto(ByVal Fecha As Date) As String
On Error Resume Next
Minuto = Minute(Fecha)
If Len(Minuto) = 1 Then Minuto = "0" & Minuto
End Function
Public Function Segundos(ByVal Fecha As Date) As String
On Error Resume Next
Segundos = Second(Fecha)
If Len(Segundos) = 1 Then Segundos = "0" & Segundos
End Function