I am implementing the Fullcalendar widget in yii2 but I have not been able to paint the background-color of the holidays and Sundays. I do not know who can help me, I have a lot of time looking for a guide but I could not thank you
I am implementing the Fullcalendar widget in yii2 but I have not been able to paint the background-color of the holidays and Sundays. I do not know who can help me, I have a lot of time looking for a guide but I could not thank you
You must add the properties "rendering: 'background'" and "color: '#XXXXXX'", as follows:
$(document).ready(function() { $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ defaultDate: '2017-11-17', events: [ { start: '2017-11-24', end: '2017-11-24', overlap: false, rendering: 'background', color: '#ff9f89' } ] }); });
I am thankful for the answer, but if I have it in the following way
'options' => [
'id' => 'calendar',
'language' => 'es',
'clientOptions' => [
'weekNumbers' => true,
'selectable' => true,
'selectHelper' => false, // Permite seleccionar la un rango de hora desde el mismo calendario
'editable' => true, // Permite mover la tarea en cualquier dia de la semana en cual quier rango de hora
'defaultView' => 'agendaWeek',
'events' => $events,
$ events come from controller query
public function actionIndex() {
$programaciones = Programadores::find()->all();
$tasks = [];
foreach ($programaciones as $programacion) {
$programacions = new \edofre\fullcalendar\models\Event();
$programacions->id = $programacion->idProgramador;
switch ($programacion->tipo) {
// 1 son cursos osea Academico
case 1:
$color = '#ffffff';
// 2 son proyectos osea Investigación
case 2:
$color = '#82f142';
case 3:
$color = '#ffff0f';
case 4:
$color = '#eeeeeb';
$color = '#9999999';
$programacions->backgroundColor = $color;
$programacions->textColor = '#000000';
$programacions->title = $programacion->idProgramador;
$programacions->start = $programacion->fechaInicio;
$programacions->end = $programacion->fechaFin;
$tasks[] = $programacions;
return $this->render('index', [
'events' => $tasks,
How could I charge the holidays to paint them in another color?