How can I find a repeated number in a Table Items in different Columns called Gem1, Gem2, Gem3, Gem4, Gem5, Gem6 but that are repeated in the same row. example:
UsuarioID, Gem1, Gem2, Gem3, Gem4, Gem5, Gem6
0001 23 23 23 23 23 23
0002 31 23 34 2 34 5
0003 32 3 35 23 23 23
0004 35 3 36 230 231 255
0005 0 0 0 0 0 0
I need to make a select and an Update that replaces all the numbers that are repeated in a same row and I put number 0 thank you in advance.
Imagining that it is a game where there are cheaters who like to have a repeated number to exit "winners" example 0001 Repeat number 23 in all its six rows , while 0002 repeats twice the number 34 and 0003 repeats the number 23 three times but you see 0004 who is NOT TRAMPOSO has their different numbers and passes the 0005 test whose number by defauld in the data Base is Zero should be omitted because it means that it does not have a trap, making it clear that the numbers that can be repeated go from 1 to 255
My question is how can I eliminate cheats whose table is designed exactly like this?