Convert a web into an app for android / ios?


Is it possible to convert web into an app for android / ios? How could it be done? With apache cordova, with phonegap or some other way? How could I add google cast and similar?

asked by Hamwen 26.12.2016 в 12:05

3 answers


If you do not master the development in android and objetive c I would recommend using cordova although it is faster ionic because it uses angular. These technologies simulate applications but in the end they are encapsulated pages with access to functions of android and ios devices.

answered by 26.12.2016 в 12:49

If you know Angular then use ionic. If you know Angular2 then ionic2. If you know c # then use xamarim.

If you know swift and android then make them native.

With all of them you can convert a website into an app especially with the first 3.


answered by 27.12.2016 в 21:59

There are many possibilities, use for example Framework 7, PhoneGapp, OnsenUI, among many others.

But there are 2 variants here, if you do that, your app will be relatively slower since it must be run "natively" and 2, the page as such would not become an app, but you should cover certain guidelines that are required by the frameworks (basically rebuild).

If you literally want your page to be responsive go to the app without modifying anything, the only thing that would occur to me would be to use a WebView to fullscreen in a native app and that's it, so everything moves in that WebView

answered by 28.12.2016 в 20:46