Project symfony on port 8000 works well on port 80 no (Sylius)


I am using the platform Sylius installs and works correctly. What happens is that it works with the symfony server itself on port 8000 with these lines:

php bin/console server:start

Then when I want to work with port 80 using only the local server path I have.


Nothing works sometimes goes blank sometimes shows some error and sometimes simply shows the page distorted.

What solution can I give to this problem?

asked by juanitourquiza 22.06.2017 в 21:25

1 answer


The server: start command opens port 8080 by default, use the command in this way to enable port 80 (or the one that interests you

php bin/console server:start localhost:80

Please note that this embedded server is not suitable for production .

answered by 23.06.2017 / 08:46