You see, I have a User table with a variable called role, for which I have this form:
<form method="POST" action="../puesto">
{{ csrf_field() }}
<div class="form-group">
<label for="rol" class="col-md-12 control-label"> <h2>{{ __("rol elegido") }}</h2>
<input name="rol" type="radio" value="administrador"> Administrador<br>
<input checked="checked" name="rol" type="radio" value="cliente"> Cliente
<button type="submit" name="addrol" class="btn btn-default"> {{ __("Ingresar rol") }}
<h1 class="text-center text-mute" style="color:#FF0000"> {{ __("¡DEJA DE HACER EL INDIO Y INICIA SESIÓN!") }} </h1>
Once the form is done, we go to this code in web.php:
Which brings me to the following:
public function acto(Request $request){
'rol' => 'required',
return back()->with('message', ['success', __("Rol seleccionado correctamente.")]);
The return at the end will return me to the form, but I'm not interested in that, but I want you to take me to the main page ( Route :: get ('/', 'PlantsController @ index' );).
I have tried 2 back () but it gives an error. I have also tried putting 'return view (vegetal.index)' but it gives an error. How do I achieve it?