How to pass a string to several view controllers?


I want to pass information obtained from a textfield to several view controllers, is it possible? how?


asked by Kevin Duenas 02.05.2018 в 01:07

2 answers


To move from one view controller to another you can relate them by a segue way, in this way you can pass information from one view controller to another.

Let's say you have a MyViewController1 and you want to pass information to MyViewController2

class MyViewController1: UIViewController {

var infoPrueba: String!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    //Asignamos algún valor a la variable que deseamos
    infoPrueba = "Esta es una info"

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "segue" {
        //Obtenemos la referencia del siguiente view controller
        let controller2 = segue.destination as! MyViewController2
        //Aqui pasas la variable de información al siguiente view controller
        controller2.infoDeViewController1 = infoPrueba


class MyViewController2: UIViewController {

var infoDeViewController1: String!

override func viewDidLoad() {
     //En este punto la variable debe contener la información del 
     anterior view controller


answered by 24.05.2018 в 21:46

There are several ways to share information in different controllers, which one you use depends on what you need. The most common options are:

  • For a segue (described above)
  • Create a global class

    class Global {
    static let sharedInstance = Global()
    var anyVariable: String
  • In any class you access the value:         Global.sharedInstance.anyVariable

  • By NotificationCenter (Special care), this method is used in particular to send notifications from a class, and that these are received by anyone else who wants to subscribe to it. the data can be sent within the userInfo object of the notification

    Clase A Emitirá la notificación
    let nc = NotificationCenter.default"Cambiounvalor"),object: nil, userInfo: ["valor":1])
    Clase B Recibirá la notificación
    let myNotification = Notification.Name(rawValue: "Cambiounvalor")
    let nc = NotificationCenter.default
    nc.addObserver(forName:myNotification, object:nil, queue:nil, using:metodoqueseejecuta)
    func metodoqueseejecuta(notification:Notification) -> Void {
    guard let index = notification.userInfo?["valor"] as? Int
  • Delegates and Protocols

  • answered by 07.06.2018 в 00:41