It's really quite simple when you analyze it, I explain, what you need is to get the date as is, as you have stored it in your registry and then you must convert it to a unix format
$fecha_de_la_tabla=strtotime("2018-05-04 12:00:00");
then you must obtain the current date and convert it to unix format
Once you have this you must subtract the current unix time and the one you have stored in your table
to finish you must use this function that I leave to convert the elapsed time in hours, minutes or seconds, as the case may be
function conversorSegundosHoras($tiempo_en_segundos) {
$horas = floor($tiempo_en_segundos / 3600);
$minutos = floor(($tiempo_en_segundos - ($horas * 3600)) / 60);
$segundos = $tiempo_en_segundos - ($horas * 3600) - ($minutos * 60);
$hora_texto = "";
if ($horas > 0 ) {
$hora_texto .= $horas . "h ";
if ($minutos > 0 ) {
$hora_texto .= $minutos . "m ";
if ($segundos > 0 ) {
$hora_texto .= $segundos . "s";
return $hora_texto;
echo conversorSegundosHoras($tiempo_transcurrido);