Problem MYSQL sql_mode = only_full_group_by


When I make queries with some tables I get this error. (In ubuntu)


this is incompatible with sql_mode = only_full_group_by

My teacher says it's an installation error .. Thanks for the help

asked by Armandix23 29.03.2017 в 10:12

1 answer


It is possible that you are giving this error because you have activated ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY with this command:

SET sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY';


A. Try turning it off with this:

SET sql_mode = '';

B. Try to run the query that previously gave you an error.

If you keep giving an error, edit your question placing the query in question. Maybe there is a problem of duplicate ids in the column you want to group together for.

answered by 29.03.2017 в 11:35