How can I get the value of a variable that comes from a query to the database? I want to know what value that query brings me and for that I need to print it in console.
How can I get the value of a variable that comes from a query to the database? I want to know what value that query brings me and for that I need to print it in console.
This is a basic example:
In your controller it would go like this:
$data = DB::table('data')->where('id','3')->first();
return View::make('hello',['data'=>$data->info]);
Is the name of the table.
Extract the data where
It is the name of the view where you want to show the data.
Show the info in the table.
Now in the view you put this:
{{ $data }}
This variable will show the data of ['data'=>$data->info]
In console I do not know exactly how to print directly, but it goes like this:
Log::info("mensaje: " . $variable);
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