What about colleagues, I wanted to make a visit counter for a website (it is not advanced and it is only prototype) in which for every time a new user visits the page the counter increments by 1 and adds the ip of the user to the database, only that I do not know why my code does not work, I hope you can help me. My code is as follows:
/*plantilla de la pagina*/
$con_error='Could not connect';
/*connect to server / database*/
$mysqlcon=mysqli_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass) or die($con_error);
/*select database*/
mysqli_select_db($mysqlcon, $mysql_db) or die($con_error);
/*codigo que aumenta el contador por ip y guarda la ip*/
mysqli_query($mysqlcon, "INSERT INTO hit_ip VALUES ($user_ip)");
function add_ip () {
global $mysqlcon;
global $user_ip;
$query="SELECT ip FROM hit_ip WHERE ip='$user_ip'";
$query_run=mysqli_query($mysqlcon, $query);
if (mysqli_num_rows($query_run)==NULL) {
$ip_query="INSERT INTO hit_ip VALUES ($user_ip)";
$result_ip=mysqli_query($mysqlcon, $ip_query);
if ($result_ip) {
$query_count="UPDATE hit_counter SET value=value+1 WHERE hits='hits'";
$result_query=mysqli_query($mysqlcon, $query_count);
I hope you can help me, thanks in advance:)