can you help me generate a TRIGGER in BD ORACLE?


I have many doubts when creating TRIGGERS I have a table called delegations where I have the columns advance 1, advance 2 and advance 3 the only thing that I want that TRIGGER to do is that I register in another table "audit" the user that makes updates and the time, like a bitacora, but I have no idea how to do it, could you help me to build it?

asked by Manny Brenes 09.02.2017 в 18:18

1 answer


This is a simple example of a Trigger in oracle

    create or replace trigger trigger_auditoria
    before update of (tu_campo)
    on tu_tabla
    for each row
    insert into auditoria values(user,sysdate);
    end trigger_auditoria;
answered by 09.02.2017 в 18:28