I work with Ionic 1, I have a collection repeat that I want to filter in the following way:
In the controller I have two variables: $scope.diaHoy
and $scope.mesHoy
In collection-repeat
, I bring item.mes
e item.dia
ion-item collection-repeat="item in usuarios ...........
I want to show those records in which
$scope.diaHoy == dia and $scope.mesHoy == mes
but nothing comes from the collection . If I take out the filter, it works perfect.
This is my code:
<ion-item class="fondodiv item-icon-center item-text-wrap" collection-repeat="item in usuarios | {{item.dia == diaHoy}}" overflow-scroll="false" >
There is no more than this, except an internal div.
<div class="item item-avatar"><img src="img/{{item.leg}}.png"> </div>