As you can see in the image, it tells me that I send null in dpi
but I have filled these fields correctly in the form
Some solution about it
In the third image I can see the full picture as I've handled it
Insert code
Private Sub GuardarToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles GuardarToolStripMenuItem.Click
''1 ---------creamos linea vacia
Me.registro = dtparticipantes.NewparticipantesRow
''obtener datos del formulario y asignarlos a registro columna
''2 ---------asignamos datos a linea
Me.registro.dpi = Integer.Parse(txtdpi.Text)
Me.registro.nombres = txtnombres.Text
Me.registro.apellidos = txtapellidos.Text
Me.registro.edad = Integer.Parse(txtedad.Text)
Me.registro.sexo = txtsexo.Text
Me.registro.federacion = Integer.Parse(txtfederacion.Text)
''Me.registro.equipo = Integer.Parse(txtequipo.Text)
''3 ---------agregar registro al dataTable
''4 ---------actualizamos la base de datos enviando el dataTable
End Sub
I have been testing and the problem itself is as follows:
Here is the image of my table in Sql Server