I must carry a consecutive document that increases as a document is printed, before I had it in a text document like this:
string conse1 = "consecutivo";
string tempurl = "C:\docequi\" + conse1 + ".txt";
LNumDoc.Text = File.ReadAllText(tempurl);
int consecutivo = int.Parse(LNumDoc.Text);
consecutivo = int.Parse(LNumDoc.Text) + 1;
if (File.Exists(tempurl))
File.WriteAllText(tempurl, consecutivo.ToString());
but I have problems with user permissions to overwrite the consecutive one.
Then create a CCONSECUTIVE table and the "consecutive (type INT)" field in ORACLE to write and consult the consecutive one, as INSERT could do in this case and the procedure to increment by 1 each time you open or close the APP?
work in VS with C #.