Could you help me create a query through a Stored Procedure? to select Sales with:
pClient (only when it is not null)
pProduct (only when it is not null)
pSeller (only when it is not null)
List of Sales (p From, PHase, Customer, Product, Salesperson)
ifnull pCliente then cSqlCliente="" else cSqlCliente="and Cliente= pCliente " fnull pProducto then cSqlProducto="" else cSqlProducto="and Producto= pProducto " ifnull pVendedor then cSqlVendedor="" else cSqlVendedor="and Vendedor= pVendedor " cSqlSelect:= "Select * from Ventas where fecha between pDesde and pHasta "+ cSqlCliente+ cSqlProducto+ cSqlVendedor Exec( cSqlSelect)