Does anyone know how to fill a 5 x 5 matrix only using a for?
Does anyone know how to fill a 5 x 5 matrix only using a for?
I understand that the matrix is fixed in size:
int matriz[5][5];
In this case there is good news for you, the compiler prepares this matrix so that its cells occupy consecutive positions in memory:
[0][0] [0][1] [0][2] [0][3] [0][4] [1][0] [1][1] ...
So if you want to go through it with a single for
you can use a simple pointer:
int* ptr = (int*)matriz;
for( int i=0; i<25; ++i, ++ptr )
std::cin >> *ptr;
In the general case, that is, that the matrix does not occupy consecutive memory positions (for example a dynamic double pointer), or if it is because you want to do it explicitly, you can calculate the row and the column to which belongs to each index:
for( int i=0; i<25; i++ )
int fila = i / 5;
int columna = i % 5;
std::cin >> matriz[fila][columna];