I do not understand how the delete operator works in this function since std::cout << datosCli[0] << '\n';
, which is executed after delete[] datosCli;
, continues to print the String on the screen. Should not you lose the reference to the contents of the array after calling delete[]
string * Taquilla::genDatosCliente(){
string nombres[] = {"Sergio","Ernesto","Julio","Fabio","María","Laura","Manolo","Luisa",
"Jose","Eva","Azucena","Samuel", "Gandalf"};
string apellidos[] = {"Salaices","Oliva","Garcia","Fuentes","Merino","Robles","Lifton","Redondo",
"Rivas", "Fuerte","Muñoz","Blanco","Calvete","Moreno","Dominguez","Martinez",
char letraDNI[] = {'T','R','W','A','G','M','Y','F','P','D','X','B',
// Semilla del Random
// Obtención de los datos del cliente mediante los índices generados
// aleatoriamente.
string nombre = nombres[rand()%((sizeof(nombres))/(sizeof(nombres[0])))];
string apellido1 = apellidos[rand() %((sizeof(apellidos))/(sizeof(apellidos[0])))];
string apellido2 = apellidos[rand() %((sizeof(apellidos))/(sizeof(apellidos[0])))];
string *datosCli = new string[4];
datosCli[0] = nombre;
datosCli[1] = apellido1;
datosCli[2] = apellido2;
int numDNI = 10000000 + rand() % (99999999-10000000);
datosCli[3] = to_string(numDNI) + letraDNI[numDNI%23];
delete[] datosCli;
std::cout << datosCli[0] << '\n';
return datosCli;