To pass a program to execute in commands to have a better visual aspect [closed]


I explain:

Pass an algorithm that had in pseint to c ++ and the program fulfills its function (gives the results well).

What I want now is to make a graphic environment (that looks like the programs already finished).

That is to say that it stops seeing as a program that only the input and output lines are seen On a black screen with white letters (as when we use the console cmd in window) to a program with different colors and other visual aspects .

Ex: if I made a program that finds the area of a circle.

I would like there to be an image of a circumference. And below, ask in a box the radius and under it a button to calculate the area.

I think I was as clear as possible.

Thanks for your answers in advance

asked by user3759 27.02.2016 в 12:55

1 answer


What you want is to transform a console application of command line type ( CLI = command line interface ) to an application with graphical interface GUI = Graphical User Interface . There are no general recipes; that is very dependent on the language, the type of application and (except with Java) of the operating system (Windows or Linux).

A first decision to make is if you want to make a really graphic application, or you settle for a text interface - in this case, there are different libraries, in Linux and C the standard is ncurses .

If you want a properly graphic interface, you have to choose a library, for which the first thing you have to define several things:

  • What is my operating system and programming language?
  • What kind of interactivity does my application need? Is it just an interface to receive parameters and show results? (at the other end would be a game, for example)
  • Do I want to make a GUI call my console program, or do I want to make a new program?

Of course, I warn you that doing it in C can be a lot of work. In any case, it is not at all recommended to try it if you are beginning to program. An example of a portable library (Windows-Unix) is wxwidgets . It's a little easier (just a little) in other languages. If you give us more details of your context, maybe we can help you better.

answered by 27.02.2016 в 16:21