Problems obtaining values from a foreach LARAVEL


Entry for characters: Character1, Character2

$personajes = explode(',',$character);
$result = array();

          if (count($personajes)>1) {
//count(personajes) = 2 
            foreach ($personajes as $persona) {

                $obt_id = Tag::where('name', $persona)->get();

                foreach ($obt_id as $id) {
                    //obtengo los id de los personajes
                    echo $id->id;

                    $result[] = FileTags::with('file')->where('tag_id', $id->id)->get();


The problem when I do echo only returns a single id instead of 2 (1 for each character), therefore my results are only those of a character. I need to be able to get the results of both characters.

EDIT: To explain myself a little better in this result, I bring all the filetags that have the tag_id 1 and 2, as I am using with I bring the data of the files as well.

Then from my table I would get only files 2, 3 and 4.

|tabla filetags|
|  id  | tag_id | file_id |
|  1   |   1    |    2    |
|  2   |   1    |    3    |
|  3   |   2    |    4    |
|  4   |   3    |    1    |

$result = FileTags::with('file')->where('tag_id', $id->id)->get();

TAG model

 public function fileTag(){
      return $this->hasMany('App\FileTags');

Model Archive

protected $table = 'files';

public function fileTag(){
      return $this->hasMany('App\FileTags');

My FileTags Model

  public function tag(){
      return $this->belongsTo('App\Tag' , 'tag_id');

    public function file(){
      return $this->belongsTo('App\Archive', 'file_id');

I complement the EDIT:

    |table tag|
    | id  |   name      |
    |  1  |  Personaje1 |
    |  2  |  Personaje2 |

I should get the id of Character1 and Character2, that is, 1 and 2, but I'm only getting the id of character 1.

asked by Elio 22.07.2016 в 20:14

1 answer


There are several issues that do not work very well depending on the case and the Laravel documentation.

The models whose relation is hasMany should be plural when defining them:

public function fileTags(){
    return $this->hasMany('App\FileTags');

Taking into account that we are looking for just one id, we should use the first() method instead of get() , since the latter gives us a collection (array):

$obt_id = Tag::where('name', $persona)->first();

If we obtained a single id ( $obt_id ), then we do not need the second foreach:

// foreach ($obt_id as $id) {

     // echo $id->id;

     // esto nos dará una colección
     $result[] = FileTags::with('file')->where('tag_id', $obt_id->id)->get();
// }

In the view, it will be necessary to use foreach to get each element in $result and another foreach to get each element of the result of the query to Filetags :

@foreach ($result as $filetagArray)

    @foreach ($filetagArray as $fileTag)

        {{ $fileTag->file->name }} 



Apparently you are doing a ManyToMany relationship, for which there are simpler methods, for that you can look in the Laravel documentation: link

answered by 23.07.2016 в 01:30