Do not open my applications in genymotion


I'm trying to debug using the android emulator for pc called Genymotion , but a very strange problem occurs, after installing the application successfully using the command:

adb install nombreapp.apk 

Then I check the emulator, and the app is installed, but when I try to open it by clicking it, it only makes the animation that the black screen gets, since in this case it does not have splashscreen, and it returns to the operating system, but it does not open the application.

I try this in the genymotion shell but it tells me that the command can not be found

Qt: Untested Windows version 10.0 detected! Logging activities to file: C: /Users/pedromiguel/AppData/Local/Genymobile/genymotion-shell.log Connection mode: local host Welcome to Genymotion Shell

Genymotion virtual device selected: Custom Phone - 4.2.2 - API 17 - 768x1280

Genymotion Shell > adb shell "logcat | grep 'Web Console'"
Command not found: adb shell "logcat | grep 'Web Console'"
>>> Failed

Someone could tell me which or what the reasons may be.

For development use:

  • Windows 10
  • Ionic framework
  • Custom phone android 4.2.2 (Genymotion)

Thanks in advance for any help.

asked by Pedro Miguel Pimienta Morales 02.05.2016 в 19:36

1 answer


Using Genymotion you can perform the installation simply by performing a "drag & drop" from the .apk in the emulator or by means of the ADB:

$ adb install <nombre de aplicación>.apk

If after installing the application and trying to open mark error, it is definitely a problem in the application.

If it does not mark error and it closes possibly the instance of your emulator or the adb that could have problems. Restart the adb!

For Windows 10 users :

Start Genymotion and see Panel de Control > Redes e Internet > Conexiones de Red , inside you can see an Ethernet network adapter click on the properties and check in VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver , with this you can use your Emulator without problem.

Here the English version of my friend @Vilen link

answered by 03.05.2016 в 03:44