I have a question with a INNER JOIN query, in my Database I have 3 tables that are the following:
Its structure is the following table educational_level be related to the grantee table and the grantee table is related to the grading table. The problem is that wanting to get information from the three tables through PHP does not return any value, the code is as follows:
$sql_calificaciones = "SELECT becarios.*, nivel_educativo.nivel, calificaciones.calificacion
FROM calificaciones
INNER JOIN becarios
ON calificaciones.id_becario = becarios.id_becario
FROM becarios
INNER JOIN nivel_educativo
ON becarios.id_nivel = nivel_educativo.id_nivel";
$registros = obtenerRegistro($sql_calificaciones, $conecta);
if ($registros !== false)
echo var_dump($registros);