Change Atom command to compile


Good morning everyone!

You see, if I go in Atom to Preferences = > Keybindings I have the following command:

keystroke | Command | Source | Selector

f5 | gpp-compiler: compile | Gpp Compiler | atom-text-editor

If I go to the keymap file to edit that instead of F5 is another command, how should I put it in that file?


asked by ProgrammerJr 27.11.2017 в 13:44

1 answer


What you have to do is in the KeyBindings click on the icon that appears next to the KeyBindings (red circle):

Then click on your keymap file (orange line), so that it takes you to the second image you have as a reference, which is the keymap.cson file. In that tab you go to the last line of the document and you paste what you copied from the KeyBindings that in my case is marked with the green rectangle:

Now what you have to do is replace the shortcut with the one of your preference, for example in my image the Tree-View has the shortcute ctrl-* , change it for the shortcute that you want, remember that if you want to make combination of You must separate them with a hyphen.

answered by 26.12.2017 в 01:38