Vision problems with the ForEach


my problem is the following I have a view of a table that shows all the records using a foreach, the problem is that since I have more than 1000 records the view when loading shows all the records and when it finishes loading the datatable shows 10 initially but this is left.

the navigation bar stays as if it is showing all records

When I open a modal of "Edit" and close it, the view is fixed.

How do I fix this error?

asked by JOHAN ALEXIS MORENO GUISAO 17.09.2018 в 14:48

1 answer


If it works. In JQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
    scrollY:        '50vh',
    scrollCollapse: true,
    paging:         false
  } );
} );

This would occupy half of the visible part of the screen (50vh).

As indicated by page

answered by 18.09.2018 в 12:20