SQL date show in php ago when it was the record


I work on a table of reminders and I would like to be able to show how much the record was created in my table

My table tasks :

id idusuario usuario titulo   Contenido fecha          Estado
1  1         juan    titulo1  aaa qq    17-08-18/12:30 atendido
2  1         juan    titulo2  bbb qq    07-08-18/01:21 pendiente      
3  1         juan    titulo1  ccc qq    05-08-18/11:22 atendiendo
4  2         pepe    titulo2  ddd qq    12-08-18/04:20 pendiente
5  2         pepe    titulo3  eee qq    20-08-18/10:50 canceloado
6  3         alex    titulo4  fff qq    17-08-18/05:59 nadie sabe

I want that in my table where I show the compos referring to the user juan say how long ago was the record.

If the date of the first registration is: 17-08-18 / 12: 30 and today is 17-08-18 / 12: 30 say 3m and if a day has passed to show the result 1d 3m ago I am just creating the database so I can create changes on it if necessary

With a query like:

$sql_tarea = sqlsrv_query(
$conn, "SELECT tareas 
        FROM periodo where 
        ORDER BY id DESC");

//$conn contiene mis datos de conecion a my base, 
//y $idsuario es el id del usuario que inicio la secion
 if($c=sqlsrv_fetch_array($sql)) {

to be able to make $ date tell the elapsed time when it shows in an echo $ date

asked by claus 27.08.2018 в 20:05

1 answer


If it's SQL Server, something like this should work:

SELECT tareas , DATEDIFF ( mi, fecha, getdate() )  as 
        FROM periodo where 
        ORDER BY id DESC

The example will only tell the difference of minutes, for something more complex I think you should put validations.

The same for more documentation you can see this link: link

answered by 27.08.2018 / 21:10