This is the HTML code
<DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="funciones4.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="estilo4.css">
<body bgcolor="transparent">
<div class="index2.1">
<marquee>ESCOGE UNO PLOX</marquee>
<!--form name="index2.2" method="POST" id="index2.2"-->
<button id="hipot" onclick= "hipotenusa()">H I P O T E N U S A</button><br><br>
<button id="seno" onclick= "sen()">SEN α </button>
I have to extract the sine but in PHP through another screen, this I have
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body background="">
$senn = $_REQUEST["senn"];
$co = $_REQUEST["co"];
$hip= $_REQUEST["hip"];
if ($_REQUEST[$senn]= $co / $hip;
echo "<br>" . "<fieldset>" . "<center>" . "EL SENO ES: " . $senn . "</fieldset>" . "</center>";
$co = $hip * $senn;
echo "<br>" . "<fieldset>" . "<center>" . "EL CATETO OPUESTO ES: " . $co . "</fieldset>" . "</center>";
$hip = $co / $senn;
echo "<br>" . "<fieldset>" . "<center>" . "LA HIPOTENUSA ES: " . $co . "</fieldset>" . "</center>";