How to calculate average, apply rule of 3 and compare percentages obtained within for loops?


I have in a table stored the grades and number of absences of three periods, of students. These were sent by an arrangement sending in the same the qualification and the absences: partial1 [0] = qualification, partial1 [1] = non-attendance. Now what I was trying to do was to send from an input a number of classes taught in the semester, and in an array of inputs the number of total assistances in the semester of each student captured will be sent.

Within a cycle calculate the average of those 3 partial (sending the grades shown from the same table where they are printed) per student, then apply a rule of 3 within another cycle that calculates the percentage of assists based on the classes taught and the number of assistances for each student, sent and received in arrangement. Save that percentage as an integer in another field of the table (assists).

Then compare that value of the percentage obtained and if it is equal to or greater than 80 that is stored the average calculated before, if less than the average is 5. The errors it generates are: PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1707 in /home/platafo6/public_html/View/Docente/Capt_Calif.php on line 135 PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1707 in /home/platafo6/public_html/View/Docente/Capt_Calif.php on line 135 I think it's more logical problem ... accommodate the variables correctly and the keys of the cycles.


  require_once '../../Model/Conexion.php';
  require_once '../../Model/Model_Docentes.php';

//$connect = conectar(); //conexion a la bd
  $conexion =  conectar();

//si esta puesto el boton de enviar,  si el array de los id grupos y el de idalumno no esta vacio
if ( isset($_POST['formAlumno']) && !empty($_POST['idgpo']) && !empty($_POST['idalumno']) ) {
      //recogirndo arrays 
      $grupo      = $_POST['idgpo']; 
      $alumno     = $_POST['idalumno'];

      if(isset($_POST['parcialP1']))  {

      $parcialP1  = $_POST['parcialP1'];

      $n = count($parcialP1);
      $num_alumno = 1;  //contador de registros de alumno en gpo
      for ($i=1; $i < $n; $i += 2, ++$num_alumno) {  //pre-incremento de 2  y bucle para primer parcial

           $p1        = $parcialP1[$i - 1]; //calificación
           $inasisP1  = $parcialP1[$i];     //numero inasistencias
            $gpo  = $grupo[$num_alumno - 1];
            $al   = $alumno[$num_alumno - 1];  
          //consulta update para colocar las caliicaciones e inasiatencias, where con valores de grupo y alumno
          $sql1 = mysqli_query($conexion, "UPDATE alumno_grupo SET parcial1 = '{$p1}', inasisP1 = '{$inasisP1}'
                 WHERE idAlumno = '{$al}' AND idGrupo = '{$gpo}'") or die (mysqli_error($conexion));
               if ($sql1) {
             alert('Calificaciones Capturadas Correctamente')
             location.href = "Grupos.php"; 
      }  //fin for P2
    } //FIN ISSET

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CAPTURANDO PARCIAL 2
    if(isset($_POST['parcialP2']))  {

       $parcialP2  = $_POST['parcialP2'];

       $n2 = count($parcialP2);
       $num2_alumno = 1;  //contador de registros de alumno en gpo
       for ($i=1; $i < $n2; $i += 2, ++$num2_alumno) {

        $p2 = $parcialP2[$i - 1];
        $inasisP2 = $parcialP2[$i];
         $gpo  = $grupo[$num2_alumno - 1];
         $al   = $alumno[$num2_alumno - 1];   

          //consulta update para colocar las caliicaciones e inasiatencias, where con valores de grupo y alumno
          $sql2 = mysqli_query($conexion, "UPDATE alumno_grupo SET parcial2 = '{$p2}', inasisP2 = '{$inasisP2}'
                 WHERE idAlumno = '{$al}' AND idGrupo = '{$gpo}'") or die (mysqli_error($conexion));
          if ($sql2) {
             alert('Calificaciones Capturadas Correctamente')
             location.href = "Grupos.php"; 
      }  //fin for P2
    } //FIN ISSET

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CAPTURANDO PARCIAL 3
    if(isset($_POST['parcialP3']))  {

       $parcialP3  = $_POST['parcialP3'];

       $n3 = count($parcialP3);
       $num3_alumno = 1;  //contador de registros de alumno en gpo
       for ($i=1; $i < $n3; $i += 2, ++$num3_alumno) {

        $p3 = $parcialP3[$i - 1];
        $inasisP3 = $parcialP3[$i];

         $gpo  = $grupo[$num3_alumno - 1];
         $al   = $alumno[$num3_alumno - 1];           
             //consulta update para colocar las caliicaciones e inasiatencias, where con valores de grupo y alumno
          $sql3 = mysqli_query($conexion, "UPDATE alumno_grupo SET parcial3 = '{$p3}', inasisP3 = '{$inasisP3}'
                 WHERE idAlumno = '{$al}' AND idGrupo = '{$gpo}'") or die (mysqli_error($conexion));    

           if ($sql3) {
             alert('Calificaciones Capturadas Correctamente')
             location.href = "Grupos.php"; 
      }  //fin for P2
    } //FIN ISSET

if ( isset($_POST['numsesiones']) && isset($_POST['asistotales']) )  {

      $asistotales  = $_POST['asistotales']; //valores de arreglo recibido
      $numsesiones  = $_POST['numsesiones'];  //valor recibido de un input

         $parcial1  = $_POST['parcialP1']; //arreglo parcial1[] =[calif][inasis][calif][inasis]
         $parcial2  = $_POST['parcialP2']; //arreglo parcial2[] =[calif][inasis][calif][inasis]
         $parcial3  = $_POST['parcialP3']; //arreglo parcial3[] =[calif][inasis][calif][inasis]
      $tamaP1 = count($parcial1);
      $tamaP2 = count($parcial2);
      $tamaP3 = count($parcial3);

      $num_alumno1 = 1;
       for ($i1 = 1; $i1 < $tamaP1; $i1 += 2, ++$num_alumno1) {  //for calcula promedios por alumno
            $p1b = $parcial1[$i1 - 1]; //P1
            $idgpo  = $grupo[$num_alumno1 - 1]; //LINEAS DE ERROR
            $idalu   = $alumno[$num_alumno1 - 1]; //134
            $num_alumno2 = 1;
            for ($i2 = 1; $i2 < $tamaP2; $i2 += 2, ++$num_alumno2) {  //for calcula promedios por alumno
                 $p2b = $parcial2[$i2 - 1]; //P1
                 $idgpo  = $grupo[$num_alumno2 - 1];
                 $idalu   = $alumno[$num_alumno2 - 1];
                $num_alumno3 = 1;    
                 for ($i3 = 1; $i3 < $tamaP3; $i3 += 2, ++$num_alumno3) {  //for calcula promedios por alumno
                 $p3b = $parcial2[$i3 - 1]; //P1
                 $idgpo  = $grupo[$num_alumno3 - 1];
                 $idalu   = $alumno[$num_alumno3 - 1];

                  $sumab = $p1b+$p2b+$p3b;
                    $nb = 3;
                    $promediob = $sumab/3;
                       $promediob = round($promediob); //redondeando de .5 hacia abajo y .5 hacia arriba
                            $sql = mysqli_query($conexion, "UPDATE alumno_grupo SET final = '{$promediob}'
                                   WHERE idAlumno = '{$idalu}' AND idGrupo = '{$idgpo}'") or die (mysqli_error($conexion));
               }  //for p3
             } //for p2
           } //for p1

      $n4 = count($asistotales);  //cuenta elementos del array de asistencias 
      $num4_alumno = 1;  //contador de registros de alumno en gpo
      for ($i=0; $i < $n4; $i++, ++$num4_alumno) {
        //regla de 3
        $a = $asistotales[$i];
        $regla = $a * 100;
        $asis = $regla/$numsesiones;  //porcentaje de asistencia
        $asis = round($asis); //redondeamos de: .5 hacia abajo  de .5 hacia arriba el porcentaje de asistnecia

             $idgpo  = $grupo[$num4_alumno - 1]; //-1 porque el array recibe (calificacion,inasistencia)
             $idalu   = $alumno[$num4_alumno - 1]; //inicializa en 1 = inasistencia, -1 = calificacion    
                 //insertamos el porcentaje total de asistencia redondeado a entero
             $sqla = mysqli_query($conexion, "UPDATE alumno_grupo SET asistencias = '{$asis}'
                     WHERE idAlumno = '{$idalu}' AND idGrupo = '{$idgpo}'") or die (mysqli_error($conexion));

              if ($asis < 80) {           //DE SER MENOR DEL 80
                  $sqlb = mysqli_query($conexion, "UPDATE alumno_grupo SET final = 5
                  WHERE idAlumno = '{$idalu}' AND idGrupo = '{$idgpo}'") or die (mysqli_error($conexion));
                      } /*elseif ($asis >= 80) { //else DE SER IGUAL O MAYOR AL 80
                          $sqlc = mysqli_query($conexion, "UPDATE alumno_grupo SET final = '{$promediob}'
                          WHERE idAlumno = '{$idalu}' AND idGrupo = '{$idgpo}'") or die (mysqli_error($conexion));
             } //fin for asistencias                           
      } //if empty && isset
////////////////////////  FINAL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
} //fin if isset formAlumno, idgpo e idalumno 

asked by Armando Arellano 19.12.2016 в 09:09

1 answer


The following error


PHP Notice: Undefined offset

It means that you are trying to do some operation with your array using an index that is not defined. On the one hand, I recommend that you debug the code by adding a print_r of all the values that arrive by POST, in this way you will identify where the error is

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

On the other hand, the most convenient methodology whenever you work with incremental key arrays is to verify each index before performing any operation with it. For example, suppose that in the array $ test there is no index defined.

The following script will show the same warning you are seeing in your program

if (($prueba[0] * $prueba[1]) > 10){
    echo "Un mensaje de prueba";

On the other hand, if you checked the index before using it (as in the following example) it would not give any warning.

if ((isset($prueba[0]) && isset($prueba[1])) && (!empty($prueba[0]) && !empty($prueba[1])) && ($prueba[0] * $prueba[1]) > 10){
    echo "Un mensaje de prueba";

In this example I first verify that the keys I am going to use have a value defined using the isset function. The second verification is to detect if these keys, besides being defined, have a non-empty value or greater than 0.

answered by 19.12.2016 / 17:24