Fiddle to test queries: link
Let's say I have a table like that.
| Cod | Provincia | Cliente | tlfn |
| 00001 | Barcelona | Cliente1 | 666123123 |
| 00002 | Pais Vasco | Cliente2 | 666345345 |
| 00003 | Madrid | Cliente3 | 952819252 |
| 00004 | Valencia | Cliente4 | 895182952 |
| 00005 | Barcelona | Cliente5 | 666213213 |
And I ask you this question.
SELECT Provincia, COUNT(*)
FROM tabla
WHERE tlfn LIKE '666%'
GROUP BY Provincia
The result of this query would be
| Barcelona | 2 |
| Pais vasco | 1 |
But I also want to reflect that in Madrid and in Valencia there is no client whose phone starts with strong> 666
How can I reflect that in the result? How do I get this result?
| Barcelona | 2 |
| Pais vasco | 1 |
| Valencia | 0 |
| Madrid | 0 |