How to avoid blanks when saving the split result in an array with Java?


I am working on the development of a calculator which should receive a string of characters that form an operation. The purpose is that the calculator must do the calculations taking into account the priority of the operators. Currently the calculator works only if the operation is performed with single-digit operands (Ex: 2 + 9 * 7), but at the time when the operation is performed with two-digit operands (Ex: 13 + 9/4 ), the program throws an error. We are currently using String.split to separate the numbers of the signs of operation but we have realized that when using this, they are creating blank spaces in the arrangement of the signs which does not allow the operation to be performed.

This is the code to separate the numbers of the signs.

public static double operacion(String operacion) throws ComandoNoEncontradoException {
        String[] numeros = operacion.split("[*,/,+,-]");
        String[] signos = operacion.split("[0-9]");
asked by Miguelc94 24.08.2017 в 17:50

3 answers




public class Test {

   public static void main(String args[]) {
      String Str = new String("   Welcome to   ");

      System.out.print("Return Value :" );
      System.out.println(Str.trim() );

Source: link

answered by 24.08.2017 в 19:25

A different way you can try to make your program work could be by using a StringTokenizer. If you are separating numbers and operations from a string, try the following:

public static void operacion(String operacion) throws ComandoNoEncontradoException {
    String[] numeros = operacion.split("[\+,\-,\*,\/]");
    operadores = new String[numeros.length - 1];
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(operacion, "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9");
    int n = 0;
    while(st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        operadores[n] = st.nextToken();

Note that a StringTokenizer allows you to split a string into tokens and does not create those blank spaces that do not allow you to perform operations on your calculator.

I hope this is helpful.

answered by 31.08.2017 в 17:10

I tell you that this topic has haunted my head all day and for some time I had met and had done the remove, but today I have to investigate what is happening. First of all this research was done with JDK 8 (1.8.0_144) just in case.

  • The first thing I found is that when the String.split method is passed as a parameter, a regular expression ( regex ) delegates its resolution to the Pattern.split method.
  • The Patter.split method creates a Matcher object according to regex and the string to which it is applied.

  • For each coincidence that the Matcher finds the start of the string it creates a subsequence of zero length ( 0 ) that adds to the result array, String match = cadena.subSequence(indexStart, indexEnd); , where indexStart equals indexEnd . Subsequence is resolved by the String.substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) method.

  • And this is why the empty string is created ( "" ), but the Pattern.split method does not ignore them and adds them to the output array.

  • I have taken the code of the method Pattern.split and I have modified it, in such a way that it ignores the empty chains, to this method small changes were made

  • a) This is método estatico only to be able to call it from the main method. b) The second parameter String regex was added in order to create the Matcher . c) We would comment on the original Matcher of the method in order to create your own. //Matcher m = matcher(input); d) We create our own Matcher : Pattern pa = Pattern.compile(regex); m = pa.matcher(input); and finally we add the validation to not add empty strings to the result


    I leave the modified method and below I leave the original method of Patter.split()

    public static String[] myPatternSplit(CharSequence input, String regex, int limit) {
            int index = 0;
            boolean matchLimited = limit > 0;
            ArrayList<String> matchList = new ArrayList<>();
            //Matcher m = matcher(input); <-- comentariamos esta linea
            Pattern pa = Pattern.compile(regex); // <-- adicionamos un Patter
            Matcher m = pa.matcher(input); // <-- creamos un Matcher
        // Add segments before each match found
        while(m.find()) {
            if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit - 1) {
                if (index == 0 && index == m.start() && m.start() == m.end()) {
                    // no empty leading substring included for zero-width match
                    // at the beginning of the input char sequence.
                String match = input.subSequence(index, m.start()).toString();
                // Adicionamos validación para no ingresar vacios
                index = m.end();
            } else if (matchList.size() == limit - 1) { // last one
                String match = input.subSequence(index,
                index = m.end();
        // If no match was found, return this
        if (index == 0)
            return new String[] {input.toString()};
        // Add remaining segment
        if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit)
            matchList.add(input.subSequence(index, input.length()).toString());
        // Construct result
        int resultSize = matchList.size();
        if (limit == 0)
            while (resultSize > 0 && matchList.get(resultSize-1).equals(""))
        String[] result = new String[resultSize];
        return matchList.subList(0, resultSize).toArray(result);

    Original code

    public String[] split(CharSequence input, int limit) {
            int index = 0;
            boolean matchLimited = limit > 0;
            ArrayList<String> matchList = new ArrayList<>();
            Matcher m = matcher(input);
        // Add segments before each match found
        while(m.find()) {
            if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit - 1) {
                if (index == 0 && index == m.start() && m.start() == m.end()) {
                    // no empty leading substring included for zero-width match
                    // at the beginning of the input char sequence.
                String match = input.subSequence(index, m.start()).toString(); <-- Aca genera la cadena vacia
                matchList.add(match); <-- aca la adiciona
                index = m.end();
            } else if (matchList.size() == limit - 1) { // last one
                String match = input.subSequence(index,
                index = m.end();
        // If no match was found, return this
        if (index == 0)
            return new String[] {input.toString()};
        // Add remaining segment
        if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit)
            matchList.add(input.subSequence(index, input.length()).toString());
        // Construct result
        int resultSize = matchList.size();
        if (limit == 0)
            while (resultSize > 0 && matchList.get(resultSize-1).equals(""))
                resultSize--; <-- aca elimina las cadenas vacias al final del arreglo
        String[] result = new String[resultSize];
        return matchList.subList(0, resultSize).toArray(result);
    answered by 25.08.2017 в 08:14