How can I export a function from one component to another? ANGULAR 2/4


Good stackeros!,

I have learned to use the Output () / Input () in Angular 2/4, and while practicing, it has given me the chance that I needed to export (Output) a function I had already created in one component, and import it (Input) to another. Do you know any way to do it ?, I've been looking for it but I can not find anything, or I do not know very well.

Thanks for the help people!

asked by PictorGames 12.08.2017 в 14:15

1 answer


From component A, having component B as a child you send your variable Output() myOutput to its variable Input() myInput .

  selector: 'app-a-component',
  template: '
    Hello from AComponent
export class AComponent implements OnInit {

  @Output() myOutput = new EventEmitter<any>();
  @ViewChild(BComponent) bComponent: BComponent;

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.bComponent.myInput = this.myOutput;


From component B, you are listening for changes in the Input() until you receive a new change in your Input() myInput and there you can be sure that they have sent something to that variable, in your case the other variable of component A.

  selector: 'app-b-component',
  template: 'Hello from BComponent'
export class BComponent implements OnChanges {

  @Input() myInput: EventEmitter<any> | null = null;

  constructor() {}

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes['myInput']) {
      const myOutputReceived = changes.myInput.currentValue;
      // Aquí estás seguro que has recibido cambios en myInput.

answered by 12.08.2017 / 14:48