I'm on my first project mounted on a server and I've chosen the django framework. I'm making an application that shows values from a mineral database that I've made, and that has a search field with the form tag:
<div class="container" style="width:75%;margin:auto;padding:10px">
<form style="width:75%;margin:auto" type="get" action="./../result" style="margin: 0" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<input id="search_box" type="text" name="search_box" placeholder="Mineral o grupo..." >
<button class="btn btn-success" id="search_submit" type="submit" >Buscar mineral o grupo</button>
In the view I have:
def result(request):
valorpasado=str(request.get_full_path).replace("<bound method WSGIRequest.get_full_path of <WSGIRequest: GET '/result/?","")
if request.method == 'GET': # If the form is submitted
dicty = {
"search_query":request.GET.get('search_box', None),
return render(request,'mine180/result.html',{'dicty':dicty})
I have the route configured in urls.py:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^result/$',viewmine.result, name='result'),
If the result entered is a mineral from the list all correct, I show the result in the route of the action 'domain / result /? query But I do not know if I'm doing it right, because if it does not coincide with any mineral it must remain on the page. I do not really understand where I should do the validation, whether in the model or in the view. I've tried some things like redirect for the original path if the query does not match, but I do not think this is the correct method.
In case someone falls here and is interested, I managed to implement what I needed quickly thanks to Germán's help.
And my urls.py is:
urlpatterns = [
the form leads to mine180 / query with a sign? :
<form style="width:75%;margin:auto" action="" method="get">
<input size="40"id="search_mine" type="text" name="search_mine" value="{{ current_name }}" placeholder="Busque mineral o grupo...">
<input type="submit" value="OK">
and in the function of the view that manages the query (def query), I take the query. I have to improve it, but the code shown, if the search matches a mineral of the DB, opens the template of the tab (and the template receives parameters of the mineral in particular, such as the id); if you can not find it, return the original search_box template, adding a message that you have not found the mineral. Here I can implement the search filters, as Germán has indicated to me, and I will do it.
def consulta(request):
#desde search_box
query = request.GET.get('search_mine', '')
mineid = 0
for mineral in Mine180.objects.all():
if mineral.name1==query:
print 'encontro oro'
mineid = mineral.id
print mineid
#print 'viene de consulta'
if mineid != 0:
print 'lo encontro'
return render(request,'mine180/ficha.html',{'mineid':mineid})
print 'No lo encontro'
minerales = {
"mensaje":"No se encontro el mineral: "+query
return render(request,'mine180/mine180.html',minerales)