Update of a table comparing or calculating with another [closed]


I need to do an Update of one table comparing or calculating with another.

I have a table of jugadores with all your data including sueldo , rut , and other fields. Also, I have the table partidos with its respective id for each match and rut of each player. Then, each player who has played more than 50 games (can be 10, 20 or any other number) is assigned double the salary in the player table (it can be a percentage more), but it depends on the number of games played .

So, in what I tried so far, I count the id of matches when the rut is the same (or can be another field).

Generalizing what I tried:

Update jugadores
Set sueldo = sueldo*2
Join partidos
Having count(partidos.id)>50;

... but I get errors ora-00933 .

asked by Eduardo Oyarzun 27.11.2017 в 06:15

2 answers


According to what I have understood, what you need is the following:

UPDATE T1 SET T1.C1 = T1.C1*3 WHERE T1.C2 = (SELECT T2.C2 FROM T2 WHERE T1.C2 = T2.C2)

Of course, the condition of having would be missing, but with what you have written, I do not understand the objective nor what the grouping condition would be.

EDIT: After your answer, this should be worth:

               FROM (SELECT P.ID, COUNT(*) 
                     FROM PARTIDOS P 
                     GROUP BY P.ID 
                     HAVING COUNT(*) > 50) TOT_P);
answered by 27.11.2017 в 13:15

If it is only about multiplying the salary by 2 when a player has played more than 50 matches, then you can simply avoid doing the join by moving the% share% off the% main% co within a subquery .

I leave you 2 options, one of which is similar to the one presented by @Miguel in its good response, but simplified:

Using partidos :

update jugadores
   set sueldo = sueldo * 2
 where rut in (select rut
                 from partidos
                group by rut
               having count(*) > 50)

Or using update :

update jugadores j
   set j.sueldo = j.sueldo * 2
 where exists (select null
                 from partidos p
                where p.rut = j.rut
               having count(*) > 50);

Now, if the idea is that you will want to put the salary up to date depending on the number of games played, such as avalanches with the following comments:


Then, each player who has played more than 50 matches ( can be 10, 20 or any other number ) is given double the salary in the table player ( may be a percentage more ), but depends on the number of matches played .

... then it is necessary to restructure the query so that the IN can take into account the number of matches when allocating the new salary.

To give an example, let's say that the desired logic is that, if the player has played more than 20 games, then he receives a 50% increase, but if he has played more than 50 games, then the salary doubles.

Normally, this type of EXISTS would be done with a join, but with Oracle, doing it this way, although not impossible, is extremely uncomfortable. The best thing in this case is to use the statement UPDATE :

merge into jugadores j
using (
  select rut,
         count(*) as cantidad
    from partidos
   group by rut
  having count(*) > 20
) p
on (p.rut = j.rut)
when matched then
  update set j.sueldo = case when p.cantidad > 50
                             then j.sueldo * 2
                             else j.sueldo * 1.5

If you want to use a UPDATE , the query would be written like this:

update (
  select j.rut,
    from jugadores j
    join (select rut, count(*) as cantidad
            from partidos
           group by rut
          having count(*) > 20) p
      on p.rut = j.rut
set sueldo = case when cantidad > 50
                  then sueldo * 2
                  else sueldo * 1.5

But, again, I recommend you use the MERGE statement since to write a UPDATE statement that includes joins and that runs successfully, you must be very careful not to receive the following error:


ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view

In fact, I think that the rules as to what types of joins in the updates are allowed have been changing from version to version. So it's possible that the example of MERGE that I put to you does not work according to your version of Oracle.

answered by 28.11.2017 в 15:26