A while ago I saw a website in English that I was unable to translate with any online translator, including Google translator.
This is a piece of text:
Саrrоts аrе nоt јust fоr Вugs Вunnу! Іt іs а rісh sоurсе оf nесеssаrу nutrіеnts аnd mіnеrаls. Іt іs а rісh sоurсе оf nесеssаrу nutrіеnts аnd mіnеrаls. Іt іs оnе оf thоsе mіrасlе соnсосtіоns thаt іs gооd fоr vаrіоus рurроsеs. Саrrоts hаvе а wеаlth оf vаluаblе nutrіtіоn аnd whеn уоu јuісе thеm, уоu саn gеt а соnсеntrаtеd dоsе оf thеіr hеаlіng роwеr. Frоm bаlаnсіng blооd sugаr, іmрrоvіng blооd hеаlth, rеlіеvіng соngеstіоn, fіghtіng іnflаmmаtіоn аnd сlеаnsіng thе kіdnууs tо рrоtесtіng еуеsіght, brаіn funсtіоn аnd fіghtіng Lеukеmіа, саrrоt јuісе bеnеfіts саn hеlр nеаrlу еvеrу раrt оf уоur bоdу! Drіnkіng саrrоt јuісе dаіlу іs аbаbіt thаt еvеrуоnе shоuld stаrt, аs іt іs bоth hеаlthу аnd tаstу аs wеll.
From what I saw it has hidden characters within the text
The text can be copied and pasted anywhere (text editor, word ect ...) is not altered and can not be translated
Do you have any idea how to do that with php?