Good morning, I have the following Select in SQL Server 2012, and I need to do an algebraic sum of both Select of the quantity and total fields, since the result of each one gives me positive and negative values.
SELECT T0.U_CTS_Vendedor, T5.[U_CTS_Cedula],T5.[U_CTS_Tienda],T5.[U_CTS_Cargo],T5.SLPNAME, T1.[U_bgn_grupoarticulo], SUM(T1.[Quantity]) AS CANTIDAD, SUM(T1.[LineTotal]) AS TOTAL FROM OINV T0 INNER JOIN INV1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode LEFT JOIN OSLP T5 ON T5.U_CTS_VENDEDORPOS = T0.U_CTS_Vendedor
WHERE ( T0.[DocDate] >= '[%1]' OR '[ %1]'=' ') and (T0.[DocDate] <= '[%2]' OR '[%2]'=' ')
GROUP BY T5.[U_CTS_Tienda], T5.SLPNAME,T5.[U_CTS_Cedula],T0.U_CTS_Vendedor,T5.[U_CTS_Cargo],T1.[U_bgn_grupoarticulo]
SELECT T0.U_CTS_Vendedor,T5.[U_CTS_Cedula],T5.[U_CTS_Tienda],T5.[U_CTS_Cargo], T5.SLPNAME, T1.[U_bgn_grupoarticulo],SUM((T1.[Quantity]*(-1))) AS CANTIDAD, SUM((T1.[LineTotal]*(-1))) AS TOTAL FROM ORIN T0 INNER JOIN RIN1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode LEFT JOIN OSLP T5 ON T5.U_CTS_VENDEDORPOS = T0.U_CTS_Vendedor
WHERE ( T0.[DocDate] >= '[%1]' OR '[ %1]'=' ') and (T0.[DocDate] <= '[%2]' OR '[ %2]'=' ')
GROUP BY T5.[U_CTS_Tienda], T5.SLPNAME,T5.[U_CTS_Cedula],T0.U_CTS_Vendedor,T5.[U_CTS_Cargo],T1.[U_bgn_grupoarticulo]
ORDER BY T5.[U_CTS_Tienda],T5.SLPNAME,T1.[U_bgn_grupoarticulo]
The result of these Select is as follows:
T-010122 V20026844 T-01 5 PEDRO ROPA 3 30.000
T-010122 V20026844 T-01 5 PEDRO ROPA -1 -10.000
I need you to look like this:
T-010122 V20026844 T-01 5 PEDRO ROPA 2 20.000
I would greatly appreciate your help as I do not have much experience with SQL. : D