Is there any way to work with decimals in Bash? Do operations, obviously. I've tried with let
, but it always throws me an error with the decimal part.
Thank you very much.
Is there any way to work with decimals in Bash? Do operations, obviously. I've tried with let
, but it always throws me an error with the decimal part.
Thank you very much.
Depending on the tools you have installed in the system you can perform operations with decimals, but bash
does not support them internally :
Arithmetic Evaluation
The shell allows arithmetic expressions to be evaluated, under certain circumstances. Evaluation is done in fixed-width integers with no check for overflow, though division by 0 is trapped and flagged as an error.
In Spanish:
Arithmetic Assessment
The shell allows you to evaluate arithmetic expressions under certain circumstances. The evaluation is done in fixed-width integers (32 or 64 bits) without overflow checking, although the division between 0 will be captured and treated as an error.
You can tell if the integer size is 64 bits by trying:
$ echo $((1 << 63))
$ echo $((1 << 64))
Using tools installed in the system:
# (En ksh93, zsh y yash, pero no bash)
echo "$((10.5/2))"
awk "BEGIN {print 10.5/2}" # 5.25
bc <<< "10.5/2" # 5
# El resultado se redondea, por lo que si quieres mantener parte decimal:
bc <<< "scale=4; 10.5/2" # 5.2500
node -pe "10.5/2" # 5.25
python -c "print 10.5/2" # 5.25
php -r 'echo 10.5/2, PHP_EOL;' # 5.25
To store results you can use:
echo -n "Introduzca A: "
read A
echo -n "Introduzca B: "
read B
RESULTADO=$(bc <<< "scale=4; $A * $B")
echo "$A x $B = $RESULTADO"
A test run could be:
$ bash
Introduzca A: 4.5
Introduzca B: 2.3
4.5 x 2.3 = 10.35