I'm creating a website with Bootstrap . Initially when loading the page I use PHP to insert the results in the cells of the table. So far so good.
Then I use a button with a modal menu of Bootstrap which has a series of fields that are indicated for later when clicking on execute called through JQuery , < strong> Ajax , to a PHP page by sending POST 4 parameters.
This query returns a Json object that I include in a array
of JavaScript but I am not able to have my table show me that data.
I've really tried almost everything but something must be happening to me.
I know that the Json object returns a array
such that:
"dia_semana":"friday ",
And as far as I know, which is not much, it is linked by JavaScript as follows:
$('#executaquery').on('click', function(){
// Recupero valors per POST to php
var usuari = document.getElementById('usuari').value;
var estat = document.getElementById('estat').value;
var data_in = document.getElementById('data_in').value;
var data_fi = document.getElementById('data_fi').value;
$.ajax({ // Llamada a queryProduct.php devuelve objeto array JSON asigno a
method: 'POST', // los campos de modal window
dataType: 'json',
url: 'queryFitxatges.php',
data: { usuaris: usuari, estats: estat, datain: data_in, datafi: data_fi},
success: function(response) {
var myData = [];
$('#tableprod').bootstrapTable('load', myData);
I have passed all the code I use to send the parameters of the query and return the json object. The line of code that links the data to the table is:
$ ('# tableprod'). bootstrapTable ('load', myData);
Finally, for the examples that I could see in the official documentation, it would be linked directly with the previous instruction and the definition of the fields of the json object identical to the data-fields of the table. That I also have it like this:
<table class='table-bordered' id='tableprod'
<thead class='thead-inverse'>
<th data-switchable='false' data-checkbox='true'></th>
<th data-field='estado' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[0]; ?></th>
<th data-field='id_usuario' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[1]; ?></th>
<th data-field='nombre' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[2]; ?></th>
<th data-field='apellido1' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[3]; ?></th>
<th data-field='id_addtime_horario' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[4]; ?></th>
<th data-field='fecha' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[5]; ?></th>
<th data-field='dia_semana' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[6]; ?></th>
<th data-field='hora_ini' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[7]; ?></th>
<th data-field='hora_fin' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[8]; ?></th>
<th data-field='jornada' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[9]; ?></th>
<th data-field='jornada_flexibilidad' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[10]; ?></th>
<th data-field='jornada_deficit' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[11]; ?></th>
<th data-field='extra_jornada' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[12]; ?></th>
<th data-field='extra_autoritzado' data-sortable='true'><?php echo $cols[13]; ?></th>
<th data-field='edit' data-sortable='false' data-switchable='false'>EDIT</th>
<?php while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)){ ?>
<tr id='<?php echo $row[14]; ?>' data-idfixatgedetall='<?php echo $row[15]; ?>' data-estado='<?php echo $row[0] ?>' data-autoritzat='<?php echo $autoritzat = $row[12]; ?>'>
<td data-field='estado'><?php echo $estado = EstadoIcon($row[0]); ?></td>
<td data-field='id_usuario'><?php echo $row[1]; ?></td>
<td data-field='nombre'><?php echo $row[2]; ?></td>
<td data-field='apellido1'><?php echo $row[3]; ?></td>
<td data-field='id_addtime_horario'><?php echo $row[4]; ?></td>
<td data-field='fecha'><?php echo $date = FormatDate($row[5]); ?></td>
<td data-field='dia_semana'><?php echo $dia = Dia($row[6]); ?></td>
<td data-field='hora_ini'><?php echo $time = FormatTime24($row[7]); ?></td>
<td data-field='hora_fin'><?php echo $time = FormatTime24($row[8]); ?></td>
<td data-field='jornada'><?php echo $time = FormatTime($row[9]); ?></td>
<td data-field='jornada_flexibilidad'><?php echo $time = FormatTime($row[10]); ?></td>
<td data-field='jornada_deficit'><?php echo $time = FormatTime($row[11]); ?></td>
<td data-field='extra_jornada'><?php echo $time = FormatTime($row[12]); ?></td>
<td data-field='extra_autoritzat'><?php echo $autoritzat = Autoritzat($row[13]); ?></td>
<td><button class='btn btn-xs edit btn-addcom' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#edit'><i class="material-icons" style="font-size: 20px">edit</i> </button></td>
<?php } ?>
I have tried to do the same to the minimum expression without passing parameters, making a new table ... but there is no way.
Let's see if you can help me understand the theory and solve my problem.
Meanwhile I'll keep looking ...
Thank you!