I am working on a desktop application in Windows Forms and MySQL as a database manager.
How do you rest in inventories when you make a Sale?
That's the code I use for the save sales button. The data is added to a sale table, and the fields of the tables. The code works and saves me, but I want to subtract from the inventory.
Save button code:
private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Login.Venta_Tienda.VentaR pCliente = new Login.Venta_Tienda.VentaR();
pCliente.Idproducto_V = textBox1.Text.Trim();
pCliente.Producto_V = comboBox1.Text.Trim();
pCliente.Cantidad_V = textBox2.Text.Trim();
pCliente.Preciocxu_V = textBox3.Text.Trim();
pCliente.Total_V = textBox5.Text.Trim();
pCliente.Fechafac_V = dateTimePicker1.Value.Year
+ "/" + dateTimePicker1.Value.Month + "/" + dateTimePicker1.Value.Day;
int resultado = Login.Venta_Tienda.MetodosVenta.Agregarp(pCliente);
if (resultado > 0)
"Venta Guardado Con Exito!!", "Guardado", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
"No se pudo guardar el cliente", "Fallo!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
Table fields ventatienda
Idventa Int,
Idproducto VARCHAR,
Producto VARCHAR,
Cantidad VARCHAR,
Preciocxu VARCHAR,
Fechafac VARCHAR
Table fields inventariomarket
campos INT,
IdProducto VARCHAR,
Producto VARCHAR,
Existencias VARCHAR,
Precioxunidad VARCHAR,
Proveedor VARCHAR,
Fecha_Recibido Date