I have this code but when I click it does not redirect. What I can do?
input.waves-effect.waves-light.btn-large.red.accent-3(type='button', onclick=location="'../formulario.html'", value="Registrarse")
I have this code but when I click it does not redirect. What I can do?
input.waves-effect.waves-light.btn-large.red.accent-3(type='button', onclick=location="'../formulario.html'", value="Registrarse")
The error is where you put the quotes here:
Try doing it like this:
The complete code would be:
input.waves-effect.waves-light.btn-large.red.accent-3(type='button', onclick="location='../formulario.html'", value="Registrarse")
should not be like this:
onclick = location = '.. / form.html'
tal vez la falla es en el arbol , prueba con un solo ".", asi: './formulario.html'
or try
onclick="location = '.. / form.html'"