I am trying to solve an exercise that I think is quite simple, given a list, print all the possible combinations / permutations of x elements. That is, take out all possible combinations but give a filter for the results.
At the moment I have this:
def permutation( list , start , end ):
if (start == end ):
print list
for i in xrange(start , end + 1):
list[start] , list[i] = list[i] , list[start]
permutation( list , start + 1 , end )
list[start] , list[i] = list[i] , list[start] #Backtracking
Example: list% co_of% of 2 elements, expected result% co_of%
And another doubt that I have is if there is any way to do it but with repetitions. With the previous example, the desired result: [a,b,c]
In my proposed exercise the list has 45 elements and combinations of 20 elements are requested.