How to create PK identity in temporary DataTable?


I'm working on a Windows Forms app, Visual Studio 2015. The scenario is that I have a DataGridView where I will enter items to a Detail, I will enter data from a product of a range of sizes that are worth a price, and the same product I will enter it with another range of sizes that are worth another price, so I need to enter the same product more than once.

For this I have implemented a temporary DataTable given the code:

public class DetalleCompraRepository
    private DataTable _detalleTemp = new DataTable();
    public DetalleCompraRepository()
        _detalleTemp = new DataTable("_detalleTemp");
        DataColumn colId = new DataColumn();
        colId.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32");
        colId.AutoIncrement = true;
        colId.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;
        colId.AutoIncrementStep = 1;
        _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("colId", typeof(int));
        _detalleTemp.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { _detalleTemp.Columns[0] };

        _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("ProductoId", typeof(int));
        _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("Descripcion", typeof(string));
        _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("Cantidad", typeof(int));
        _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("Precio", typeof(decimal));
        _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("Importe", typeof(decimal), "(Precio * Cantidad)");

    public DataTable PDetalleTemp
        get { return _detalleTemp; }

    public void Agregar(DetalleCompra entity)
        var fila = _detalleTemp.Rows.Find(entity.DetalleCompraId);
        if (fila == null)
            fila = _detalleTemp.NewRow();
            fila["colId"] = entity.DetalleCompraId;
            fila["ProductoId"] = entity.ProductoId;
            fila["Descripcion"] = entity.Descripcion;
            fila["Cantidad"] = entity.Cantidad;
            fila["Precio"] = entity.Precio;
            fila["Importe"] = entity.Total;

The DataTable asks me for a pk, which I put it on but, it does not allow me to enter the same id, so I need to put a pk identity to allow me to enter the same item. I've tried this part of code:

DataColumn colId = new DataColumn();
        colId.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32");
        colId.AutoIncrement = true;
        colId.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;
        colId.AutoIncrementStep = 1;
        _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("colId", typeof(int));
        _detalleTemp.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { _detalleTemp.Columns[0] };

If I can enter a first item, but when I try to enter a second item, in the Add method, you no longer enter the condition if (fila == null) and that indicates which row is not null.

The way I add the items is as follows:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var entity = new DetalleCompra()
            ProductoId = Convert.ToInt32(txtProductoId.Text),
            Descripcion = txtDescripcion.Text,
            Cantidad = Convert.ToInt32(txtCantidad.Text),
            Precio = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrecio.Text)
        dgvDetalle.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
        dgvDetalle.DataSource = _detalleCompra.PDetalleTemp;

What I need to know is:

  • If the implementation of creating a pk identity is correct or is there some other way to do it?
  • Does the DataTable have to store all the items that I enter, I mean that the row is not null, when I intend to enter a second item?
  • asked by Pedro Ávila 12.08.2016 в 18:08

    1 answer


    I managed to solve it, in the Click event I use Random which generates me numeric ids and I can send it to the add method through the DetalleCompraId property that is in the repository. Click event

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Random rdn = new Random();
            int valor = rdn.Next();
            var entity = new DetalleCompra
                DetalleCompraId = valor,
                ProductoId = Convert.ToInt32(txtProductoId.Text),
                Descripcion = txtDescripcion.Text,
                Cantidad = Convert.ToInt32(txtCantidad.Text),
                Precio = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrecio.Text)
            dgvDetalle.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            dgvDetalle.DataSource = _detalleCompra.PDetalleTemp;

    Also modify the repository

    public DetalleCompraRepository()
            _detalleTemp = new DataTable("_detalleTemp");
            DataColumn colId = _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("ID", typeof (int));
            _detalleTemp.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { _detalleTemp.Columns[0] };
            _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("ProductoId", typeof(int));
            _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("Descripcion", typeof(string));
            _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("Cantidad", typeof(int));
            _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("Precio", typeof(decimal));
            _detalleTemp.Columns.Add("Importe", typeof(decimal), "(Precio * Cantidad)");
    public void Agregar(DetalleCompra entity)
            var fila = _detalleTemp.Rows.Find(entity.DetalleCompraId);
            if (fila == null)
                fila = _detalleTemp.NewRow();
                fila["ID"] = entity.DetalleCompraId;
                fila["ProductoId"] = entity.ProductoId;
                fila["Descripcion"] = entity.Descripcion;
                fila["Cantidad"] = entity.Cantidad;
                fila["Precio"] = entity.Precio;
                fila["Importe"] = entity.Total;
    answered by 14.08.2016 / 11:45