display a loading image or a loading message while loading all products brought from the controller
.controller('productosCtrl', function($scope, $http, $q, $location, $ionicLoading, Productos) {
Productos.productos().then(function(argument, $timeout) {
$scope.producto = []
for (var i = 0; i <= argument.store.products.length - 1; i++) {
id: argument.store.products[i].id,
name: argument.store.products[i].name,
description: argument.store.products[i].description,
category: argument.store.products[i].category,
store: argument.store.products[i].store,
price: argument.store.products[i].price,
picture: argument.store.products[i].picture.picture.url
I print them in the view with a ng repeat, but I want that before loading the image I show a static image before or a loading message because there are times that it loads very slowly