I find that static images included in the apps, with aspect ratio 16: 9 on tablets, brushstrokes are displayed, which is the way to generate resources appropriately for each pixel density ldpi,mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi
I understand that the normal resolution that is normally seen in a PC monitor is the mdpi
and I scale the image depending on the base 1024x576
with the following calculator
with the following result:
ldpi = 768.00px
mdpi = 1024.00px
tvdpi = 1363.20px
hdpi = 1536.00px
xhdpi = 2048.00px
xxhdpi = 3072.00px
xxxhdpi = 4096.00px
The source image has more than 5000px
, let's say I decrease it to 4096px to create the xxhdpi, then to 3072px for the xxhdpi ...
But still on a tablet Asus TF101 your specifications is displayed pixelated.
Apart from that, I have more questions:
Android studio only has a generator for icons and vectors. What tools do you use to automatically render the images?
the AndroidAssetStudio page does not work with large images
To be more optimal with the final size of the apk, if you only put the corresponding image in
is it necessary to put it in all the others or does Android re-dimension it automatically?