I have the following dropdownlist, which shows the values 5,10 and 15:
<% Dim listItems = New List(Of ListItem) From { _
New ListItem() With { _
.Text = "5", _
.Value = 5 _
}, _
New ListItem() With { _
.Text = "10", _
.Value = 10 _
}, _
New ListItem() With { _
.Text = "15", _
.Value = 15 _
} _
<%: Html.DropDownList("listado_noticia_length", New SelectList(listItems, "Value", "Text"), New With {Key .[class] = "form-control estilo_dropdownlist input-sm", Key .[onchange] = "javascript:registro_mostrar();"})%>
but I need to pass the selected value of the DropDownList (in this case its id would be lista_noticia_length) to a parameter of this partial view, specifically to the variable cant_filas:
<%: Html.Action("partialListadoNoticia", "Noticias", New With {.pag = 1, .cant_filas = recibir el valor del dropdownlist listado_noticia_length ¿como?})%>
I do not know how I would send the value of the dropdownlist as a parameter to a variable in the partial view. Syntactically I do not know. I need to reference the value of dropdownlist, such as <%: Dim value_dropdownlist_selected = list_noticia_length.selectValue% >
That would be my question. Thanks again.