Do you know if you can put DatePicker
in Spanish? It's a pijotada but it's in English format and I'd like to have it in Spanish.
Do you know if you can put DatePicker
in Spanish? It's a pijotada but it's in English format and I'd like to have it in Spanish.
In principle the DataPicker takes the language of the system, if you want to force the change although it is not usually a good idea what you have to do is force a change of Locale. but I repeat, it is not recommended.
Here ( link ) you can see how to force the change of Locale:
Resources res = context.getResources();
// Change locale settings in the app.
DisplayMetrics dm = res.getDisplayMetrics();
android.content.res.Configuration conf = res.getConfiguration();
conf.locale = new Locale(language_code.toLowerCase());
res.updateConfiguration(conf, dm);
I hope you find it useful.
currentText: 'Hoy',
monthNames: ['Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio',
'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre'],
monthNamesShort: ['Ene', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Ago', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dic'],
dayNames: ['Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado'],
dayNamesShort: ['Dom', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mié;', 'Juv', 'Vie', 'Sáb'],
dayNamesMin: ['Do', 'Lu', 'Ma', 'Mi', 'Ju', 'Vi', 'Sá'],
weekHeader: 'Sm'