Trigger to auto-insert values in a table


I'm new to projecting databases.

I have 3 tables:


| userid |  name  | surname | password | admin  |
| value1 | value2 | value3  | value4   | value5 |


|   id   |  name  |  type  |  
| value1 | value2 | value3 |  

users_attributes_values (with foreign key userid and attributeid):

| userid | attributeid | attributevalue |
| value1 | value2      | value3         |

The relationship of the users with the attributes is one to many , example: If there are 5 users, and I create 3 attributes:

  • Age : 20 with integer type
  • Date of birth : 12/23/1992 with date type
  • Religion : Muslim with string type
  • then each of the 5 will have these 3 attributes.

    When a new attribute is inserted in the table users_attributes , I want that in the table users_attributes_values the references to that attribute for each user present are automatically inserted. Creo / Insert 2 attributes:

    INSERT INTO users_attributes(
                id, name, type)
        VALUES ('1', 'Peso', 'Int');
    INSERT INTO users_attributes(
                id, name, type)
        VALUES ('2', 'Estatura', 'Int');

    by inserting them, the trigger will insert in users_attributes_value the id of the present users and the id of the attributes just created, Example, there are 3 user present:

    | userid | attributeid | attributevalue |
    |      1 |           1 |                |
    |      1 |           2 |                |
    |      2 |           1 |                |
    |      2 |           2 |                |
    |      3 |           1 |                |
    |      3 |           2 |                |
    |        |             |                |

    This is the expected result after creating new attributes, how could you get this result using triggers?

    asked by Bryan Romero 18.11.2018 в 18:49

    1 answer


    You can do it with a after insert trigger, which basically makes insert in the%% table% for each user that exists in the users_attributes_values table and places the new attribute in the corresponding field.

    On the line of:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_users_attributes_values() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
            -- para cada nueva fila insertada en users_attributes crea las filas
            -- correspondientes en users_attributes_values para todos los 
            -- users existentes en la base de datos
            IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN
                insert into users_attributes_values (userid, attributeid)
                select userid,
                  from users;
                RETURN NEW;
            END IF;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
    CREATE TRIGGER users_attributes_create_users_attributes_values
    AFTER INSERT ON users_attributes
        FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE create_users_attributes_values();
    answered by 18.11.2018 / 20:22