I have a git project where I have the develop and master branch. I created a new branch with the command "git checkout -b feature / feature_test"
Then I enter this branch and edit a file that is "carController.php". In between I want to make another feature (branch) to do something else and upload the changes.
For this, what I do is go to the branch of develop with the command "git checkout develop" but when doing this command git tells me
dani@pc:~/Projects/test$ git checkout develop
M carController.php
Switched to branch 'develop'
Su rama está actualizada con «origin/develop».
And from there I launch another feature with the command "git checkout -b feature / feature_Pruebas2"
This is what this file is dragging ... to not do this and to be able to treat the features separately that a stash of those files should do?