I'm doing a program that consists of a single Entry ().
The thing is that I want you to immediately detect what is written and act one way or another. So when you finish putting the last character of for example "add", do one thing.
I've tried it with the .get () function in a if but there's no way.
Here goes the code:
general.set("Pon ayuda para poder ayudarte")
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,"es-ES") #Establecemos región como "España"
dt = datetime.datetime.now() #Sacamos la hora y la fecha del sistema
fecha = dt.strftime("%x") #Establecemos la variable 'fecha' y 'hora' como la
fecha y la hora actual
hora = dt.strftime("%X")
frame = Frame(root,width=360,height=400,bg="powder blue")
entryg = Entry(frame,textvariable=general,bg="powderblue",font= ("",24),justify="center")
if general == "añadir":
print("si") #Print de comprobación(No funciona)