Good morning, my problem is that I want to upload changes to my remote repository but in Git Bash it does not allow me to launch the following error.
With the GitHub Desktop application it allows me to upload changes in a normal way but in the Git Bash it does not allow me.
I've been doing a bit of research and it seems that I changed users because I opened the local repository with a visual studio, making an automatic user change as shown in the image, says Austin1400.
I already changed my and as I was before, I used -f to force the push obviously, but I could not fix this problem.
What I understand is that I have to change my account so I have to authenticate my username and password as at the beginning, since I was only asked the first time I logged in every step of the way. it does not ask me to authenticate and upload the changes to my remote repository.
If someone knows how to enable some configuration to request authentication every time you push, I would appreciate it, or another option is to modify some file by placing the username and password although I think this option is not as valid as the account I guess that is validated with a connection to the internet to make inquiries about the presence of said user.