If, else if conditions in java


I'm new to this Java topic and I run into a problem, I have a form where gender reports PDF in which I have several options to generate them, full report of the table, detailed report by date, report with just a search using SQL LIKE statements and reports by columns of the table, well finally I can generate the reports and queries, the problem is that I only have one button to generate the 4 reports in different ways, depending on the data you enter in the boxes text (String, all data is of this type).

How do I make the condition to select the appropriate report depending on what you enter in the text boxes?

This is the condition I use

String a = funciones.getFecha(fechad);
String b = funciones.getFecha(fechaa);
String c = txtbusqueda.getText();

if ((a != null) && (!a.equals("")) && (b != null) && (!b.equals("")) && (c!=null) && (!c.equals(""))) {
mi reporte 1
else if ((c != null) && (!c.equals(""))) {

I just want to evaluate if the variables contain values or not but I do not know how: '(

asked by Fabian Villaseñor 26.11.2018 в 14:02

3 answers


From what I have understood in your question you could solve it more or less like this:

 String a = funciones.getFecha(fechad);
    String b = funciones.getFecha(fechaa);
    String c = txtbusqueda.getText();

    if (hasValue(c)){
        if (hasValue(a) && hasValue(b)){
        if (hasValue(a) || hasValue(b)){

And the hasValue function would create it that way so that the code is much clearer.

private boolean hasValue(String myString){
    return (myString != null) && (!myString.equals(""));
answered by 26.11.2018 в 14:31
Ya lo resolví, muchas gracias a todo pos su apoyo.


private void btnPDFActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                       
    String a = funciones.getFecha(fechad);
    String b = funciones.getFecha(fechaa);
    String e = txtbusqueda.getText();

    try {

        if (e.isEmpty()) {
         if (b==null && a==null)  {
                JasperReport reporte = null;
                reporte = null;
                String path = "src\Report\reportv.jasper";

                reporte = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObjectFromFile(path);

                JasperPrint jprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reporte, null, cc);

                JasperViewer view = new JasperViewer(jprint, false);



            } else {
                JasperReport reporte = null;
                reporte = null;
                String path = "src\Report\refortfacha.jasper";
                Map parametro = new HashMap();
                parametro.put("fechadesde", a);
                parametro.put("fechahatsa", b);

                reporte = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObjectFromFile(path);

                JasperPrint jprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reporte, parametro, cc);

                JasperViewer view = new JasperViewer(jprint, false);




        }  else {
            if(!e.isEmpty()) {
                if (b==null && a==null){
            JasperReport reporte = null;
            reporte = null;
            String path = "src\Report\ReportIndividual.jasper";
            Map parametro = new HashMap();
            parametro.put("valor", e);

            reporte = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObjectFromFile(path);

            JasperPrint jprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reporte, parametro, cc);

            JasperViewer view = new JasperViewer(jprint, false);


                    JasperReport reporte = null;
                reporte = null;
                String path = "src\Report\refortfacha.jasper";
                Map parametro = new HashMap();
                parametro.put("fechadesde", a);
                parametro.put("fechahatsa", b);

                reporte = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObjectFromFile(path);

                JasperPrint jprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reporte, parametro, cc);

                JasperViewer view = new JasperViewer(jprint, false);




        // >:v

    } catch (JRException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Inicio.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

answered by 26.11.2018 в 15:41

In java the operator "==" tests whether the two operands refer to the same object, ie:

String x = "HOLA";
String y = new String(new char[] { 'H', 'O', 'L', 'A'});

Evaluation (x == y) -> False

I recommend using the methods contains and equals . equals evaluates if there is an equity, that is, if they are "equal"

String x = "HOLA";
String y = new String(new char[] { 'H', 'O', 'L', 'A'});

Evaluation (x.equals (y)) -> True

I recommend you read: link

In your example:

string MiResultado = funciones.getFecha(fechad);

If I want the REPORT 1 report to be generated when MyResult is "RESULT1"


If I want REPORT2 to be generated when MyResult contains "RESULT2"

if(MiResultado.contains("RESULTADO2 y también el RESULTADO3"))

Keep in mind that adding if but not else will evaluate both cases. If you want the case to be unique add else before the second if

answered by 26.11.2018 в 14:29